3 ways to motivate your sales team

Engaging and motivating your sales team is very vital for enhancing the success of an organisation. Team members need to be motivated and encouraged to achieve the purpose and objectives set by the institution. Team leaders need to also communicate, engage and interact with the team members frequently talking about work activities and also life outside work. Holding regular effective meetings is also important in increasing the trust and motivation of team members in the organisation. Moreover, there are some other effective ways of engaging and motivating your sales team. Here are some of the ways to motivate your sales team.

Build trust

Building trust with your sales team is key to creating the foundation of motivation. If your team does not believe that you have the most genuine interests at heart and do not trust you, then it would be very difficult for them to get inspired and driven at their various duties. When your sales team are uninspired, it would be difficult to motivate them unless you have an honest and open conversation about their goals and challenges. Managers should ensure to focus and concentrate on having a helping mindset when working with the team. Do not push or scold them in any way, instead, try solving the problems by helping the team members become better and improving their performance. Being an effective and incredible leader is about building trust with your team. The best way for a leader to build trust with their sales team is by being completely direct, transparent and straightforward with them.

Recognise your sales team

It is very vital to pay attention to the concerns of your team members and build a culture of recognition within the organisation. For instance, commissions are not just enough when your sales representative want to be rewarded. Commissions are generally expected, thus you need to push a little further and recognise their achievements in public. One tactic that effective managers implement in their organisations is having dinner together with their sales team whenever an individual member in the team hit their quota or has achieved something great. The dinner is not just meant for only that one person but instead, it’s for the entire team to enjoy together. This creates and builds a team-oriented mindset in the sales team and department. This makes everyone work hard and strive to be recognised in front of their colleagues and peers. The recognition and praise will inspire the team members to work harder and together in harmony.

Set goals

Setting goals in the organisation is very important in enhancing the success of the team members and the company. A manager or team leader needs to give their sales team a goal and objective to reach. Without a goal, your sales team would not be able to easily understand what constitutes success. A team leader should choose a goal that team members can achieve but not quite simple or easy. Different employees or team members are motivated in different ways. Sales quotas may work for some sales reps, while a personal goal or contest may be a better selection for others. An effective leader should work with each team member to find out what works best for them.

Author: Kate Davidson
Kate is an experienced leader who has worked for over 14 years in all areas of business, specialising in operations and sales management. She has spent the majority of her career working in marketing.