Our Services – Marketing

Whether a business is already doing its own marketing activities or hasn’t yet started, marketing is an essential part of every business. Unless you have stopped trading and you aren’t planning on making any more money, you should always be doing some form of marketing.

what can we help with?

overall marketing

We can explore your complete marketing strategy, find the gaps, and propose solutions.

SEO performance

We can strategise and complete a wide range of SEO services to maximise your search engine effectiveness.

content marketing

We can put together content marketing strategies tailored to your brand.

SEM performance

We can explore existing and create new paid marketing strategies.

brand awareness

We can create a strategy which aims to amplify your brand to the masses.

social media

We can manage your social media marketing strategy and explore creative ways to maximise the benefits.

website & technical performance

We can perform health checks on your website to ensure there are no issues like broken links, pages not loading, and slow site speeds.

email marketing

We can create email marketing campaigns and optimise the sales funnel through tailored strategies.

marketing is a necessity

At a basic level, marketing is the way you tell potential customers that you exist. You will naturally want to provide as much information as possible  to give you the best chance of getting their business. Do they know you have discounted products? Do they know you are the industry leader? These are messages that have to make it outside of your business.

marketing with strict budgets

You don’t need to spend silly amounts of money on marketing to make an impact on your sales. You just need to do something.

The biggest mistake businesses with a limited marketing budget make is they don’t target the quick wins or low hanging fruit. These are typically simple marketing activities which are very effective and help you hit the ground running. You must find these.

marketing doesn’t have to be complicated

The law of diminishing returns is very prevalent in marketing. As a business spends more money on marketing, their returns diminish. This isn’t saying they should stop, but just because $1,000 returned $2,000, doesn’t mean the next $1,000 will return another $2,000. As long as it returns a net profit then it may be worth it. The trick is knowing that you are spending your marketing budget on the best activity.

There is also a distrust of using external businesses to help you with your marketing activities. Many marketing agencies will throw around big  words that usually mean very little, to confuse their clients. A lot of businesses looking for marketing help have had an experience where a marketer or sales person has used this tactic and they get swept up in the jargon. If a good marketer or sales person cannot explain their plan in simple terms they are probably not worth continuing with.

Simplified marketing is extremely effective and ensures at least the basics are well taken care of.

finding your marketing gaps

Marketing is never about what you’re meant to do. It is almost never correct to take a marketing strategy that worked for one business and apply it to another. They can be used as a framework, but the details have to change to apply to the business in question.

You need to find your gaps and fill them. Marketing can really be as simple as that.

how we work

To simplify your experience, we typically follow our gap analysis process to determine the best strategy for your needs (see below). We will happily work with you on a custom project outside of our process.

how can we help you?

get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help

I have worked with Kate and Trent since 2013. I have confidence that they will deliver what I need and never sell me something that I do not. Their process is clear and they always deliver on what we have agreed to budget.

Emma D
Director, Staude Capital